Bonjigar syrup 90ml
Bonjigar is a complex herbal preparation, the pharmacological effect of which is determined by the complex of active components included in its composition, which has hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic and choleretic effects.
Verbesina white has antihepatoxic properties.
Picrorhizacurroa has an antihistamine effect, anti-inflammatory (by inhibiting platelet activation), choleretic and antioxidant effects, in addition it has an immunomodulatory effect.
Nightshade black has a calming, analgesic, laxative effect.
Common chicory has a choleretic and hepatoprotective effect.
Tamarisk comb activates the effect of other hepatoprotective drugs, has hemostatic properties.
Radish acts as an antioxidant, has a hepatotropic and choleretic effect, enhances the detoxification ability of the liver, and helps regulate metabolism.
Barberry spinous has choleretic, antimicrobial, antidiarrheal effects.
Berhaviaspreading has a hepatoprotective, analgesic, diuretic effect.